Importing your previous logbooks
You can import your previous logbooks into WADER and consolidate all your flight experience in one place.
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You can import your previous logbooks into WADER and consolidate all your flight experience in one place.
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Once you are set as a new Wader user, you might want to bring your flights that are logged in a different logbook or provided by your airline or flight school system.
We offer a complimentary import through our standard support for the formats listed below. Simply send the files to and we will take care of it for you in no time! Just remember to inform us your user code in the email, so we can find your account!
Note we can only assist new users by loading their previous experiences once, just to get their logbooks up to date and ready to start using the app in its full capacity! For recurrent imports, please check our PRO support plan.
If you have your hours logged in an unsupported format, you can transpose your records to our template below and send it to us.
Make sure to follow the following filling instructions, otherwise the import cannot be completed!
Enter the date of flight (in UTC).
All records must follow the same format.
(preferred over ICAO)
If you fly an airliner, the IATA code is preferred over the ICAO code. Some aircraft variants share the same ICAO code but have different IATA codes. Click here to search for your aircraft code.
(required if no IATA)
If the aircraft doesn't have an IATA code, enter the ICAO code. Make sure you use the actual ICAO code and not the type rating. Click here to search for your aircraft code.
For generic aircraft types, you may use ASEL (single-engine), AMEL (multi-engine) or GLID (glider/sailplane).
Enter the flight number.
Enter the complete aircraft registration including the hifen (-), as applicable.
Optional - For simulator sessions, enter the simulator registration code.
Flights only - Enter the departure airport IATA or ICAO code.
Flights only - Enter the arrival airport IATA or ICAO code.
(preferred over totalTime)
Enter the out of gate time of flight or simulator session start time, in UTC, using the format: hh:mm.
Alternatively use the totalTime field. In that case, note that your startTime in the app will be set to 00:00.
Enter the takeoff (off ground) time of flight, in UTC, using the format: hh:mm.
Enter the landing (on ground) time of flight, in UTC, using the format: hh:mm.
(preferred over totalTime)
Enter the in the gate time of flight or simulator session end time, in UTC, using the format: hh:mm.
Alternatively use the totalTime field. In that case, note that your parkingTime in the app will be calculated based on totalTime - startTime.
totalTime (required if no start and parking/end times)
Enter the total time of your flight or simulator session, using the format hh:mm, instead of start and parking/end times.
Note that, in such cases, startingTime is set to 00:00 and parkingTime is set to totalTime - startingTime.
For augmented crews, enter time you occupied a seat in the flight deck, using the format hh:mm. If left blank it will be considered 100% of total time.
Enter night time, using the format hh:mm. If left blank, it will be calculated automatically based on startup and parking times.
Enter the flight time under actual Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC), using the format hh:mm. Alternatively, enter TRUE to consider 100% of total time, or enter FALSE (or leave blank) to consider it 00:00.
Enter the flight time under simulated IMC (under the hood), using the format hh:mm. Alternatively, enter TRUE to consider 100% of total time, or enter FALSE (or leave blank) to consider it 00:00.
Enter cross-country time using the format hh:mm. Alternatively, enter TRUE to consider 100% of total time, or enter FALSE (or leave blank) to consider it 00:00.
takeoffs (optional)
Enter total number of takeoffs.
Alternatively, use the dayTakeoffs and nightTakeoffs.
landings (optional)
Enter total number of landings.
Alternatively, use the dayLandings and nightLandings.
Enter the number of takeoffs during day time. If left blank, it is automatically calculated based on startup and parking times
Enter the number of takeoffs during night time. If left blank, it is automatically calculated based on startup and parking times.
Enter the number of landings during day time. If left blank, it is automatically calculated based on startup and parking times.
nightLandings (optional)
Enter the number of landings during night time. If left blank, it is automatically calculated based on startup and parking times.
approachType (optional)
Enter approach type. Valid options: ILS CAT II/III, ILS CAT I, RNP-AR, RNP, GLS, LPV, LOC, VOR, NDB or VISUAL
function (required)
Enter your onboard function. Valid options:
Flight: PIC, SIC, Examiner, Instructor, Dual, SPIC or PICUS
Simulator: Trainer or Trainee
ifrTime (optional)
Enter IFR time using the format hh:mm. Alternatively, enter TRUE to consider 100% of total time, or enter FALSE (or leave blank) to consider it 00:00.
multiPilot (required)
Enter TRUE for multi-pilot operations, or enter FALSE (or leave blank) for single-pilot.
pilotName1 (recommended)
PIC (flight) or Trainer (simulator) name. Use SELF if that's you.
Note: PIC name is a minimum required information for some logbooks, so if left blank, a dash ("-") may appear in EASA logbook, for instance.
pilotName2 pilotName3 pilotName4 (optional)
Use SELF if that's you.
remarks (optional)
Use it for notes that will be printed in your logbook Remarks and Endorsements column. You may use it to save your Training Type (for simulator sessions), for instance.
isSimulator (required)
Indicate if that record is a Simulator session. Valid options: TRUE or FALSE.
qualificationLevel (optional)
For simulator sessions only.
Use it to indicate the simulator qualification level.
Check here for definitions of each qualification level.